Focus and Scope

Artes Libres Law and Social Journal  encourages courageous and bold new ideas, focusing on contribution, theoretical, managerial, and social life implications. Artes Libres Law and Social Journal  welcomes papers, These may include but are not limited to :

  • Employment, and food, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of globalization from transnational and global perspectives.
  • various fields such as civil law,
  • criminal law,
  • constitutional and administrative law,
  • customary institution law,
  • religious jurisprudence law,
  • international regime law,
  • legal pluralism governance,
  • Gender and poverty,
  • Governance
  • Law Science
  • Social policy,
  • Social development,
  • Social and health governance,
  • Social welfare,
  • Social Security
  • Social Protection
  • Sustainability Development Goals (SDG)

The Artes Libres Law and Social Journal seeks to publish articles that address the intersections of social issues, law science, governance, politics, and policies at various levels or scales — transnational social movements and non-governmental organizations; international intergovernmental organizations, and world-regional and transregional intergovernmental institutions and groupings — using a global or transnational analytical framework. Focusing on aspects of social policy and social governance and factors of globalization and policy diffusion, broadly defined, in both contemporary and historical contexts, the journal serves academic and policy-making or advocacy audiences across the global North and South. Contributions from across all disciplines and fields of study from a wide range of theoretical and political perspectives are strongly encouraged.